13 Apr News: Making the case for growing Nigeria’s Music Industry
Austin, Texas – SXSW is massive! Annually in March, the 29-year-strong festival, divided into three legs – film, music and tech – crams upwards of 72000 attendees from around the world into downtown Austin, Texas for a heaving ten days of festivities. Only over the...
18 février Conférence interactive "South by South West" 2016
La 30e conférence annuelle South by Southwest (SXSW) sur la musique et les médias interactifs aura lieu du 11 au 20 mars. Cet événement de dix jours se tiendra à Austin, au Texas, et se concentrera sur la célébration, l'éducation et l'inspiration des musiciens, des réalisateurs et...
01 Sep Africori CEO part of proposed panel for SXSW 2016
Africori CEO and founder, Yoel Kenan is part of a proposed panel that will be part of the South By South West Music conference (SXSW). The panel will also host Phiona Okumu from Afripopmag and Virginie Berger from DTBH. If successful, the panel will be discussing...