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A look at the journey through and to #StarkTheAlbum - Titilope Adesanya When one hears the word stark, most think bare. The first two results from google search for Stark is "severe or bare in appearance or outline" And "complete; sheer" Bemyoda however sees this slightly differently; "I’ve had to answer the same questions many times over. What does Stark represent? Why Stark? Is the music bare? Or intense? Or dark? Yes, it is. And no, it isn’t. Stark is about hope and conflict, about life’s twists and turns, renegade men rising to challenge status quo in a failed system, about man’s need for God, about war, and about growth. Yes, Stark is intense. And spiritual" he writes on an Instagram post . Stark is not this artsy Nigerian’s first body of work. Bemyoda re-released ‘Sketch: The Reprise - EP' in 2015 which features a couple of singles like Shima Yam and Faded Grace.